ManualSpeech Changelog
0.2.1 — 2024-06-17
- Added more realistic glottis sound.
- Added options menu.
0.2.0 — 2024-05-20
- Added pitch envelope editor
- Added gain sliders for individual formants
- Added disabled feature for adding custom audio for the base sound (like a sort of vocoder mode)
- Added tooltip showing the frequency when dragging a formant
- Changed shift behavior when dragging formants to be the same whether the next vowel is hold or glide
- Changed pitch envelope points to not be draggable horizontally across other points
- Fixed mouse position when scrolled
- Prevented the space bar from scrolling the page
0.1.1 — 2024-05-16
- Added popup to add additional formants to a vowel
- Added toggle for switching vowels to hold or glide
- Changed behavior of deleting sounds to move later sounds back instead of extending the previous sound
0.1.0 — 2024-05-16